I would partly agree with that. I think people start being mean when they can be anonymous so that no one knows who they are and then they start writing things that they really think and feel about that person they're writing to (for example Formspring). But besides that I think teenagers that are online behave ok and respectly to other peers.
I have never experienced bullying on social networking sites. I have seen it when my friends were bullyed. Some unknown people wrote bad stuff and mean things about them. Or they break in a profile and write things so they ashame the person.
Yes, I'm on social networking sites. I'm not a friend with my parents on these sites just with my siblings, other relatives and my friends. My parents think that I should be very careful at posting photos, posts and so on...
I wrote you two questions before in assignment 5 but it wasn't posted. I asked you if you like living in Taiwan or would you rather live somewhere else and what music do you listen to.
Answers to Eric: There aren't many famous places in Slovenia. The most popular is Ljubljana which is the capital city. We have delicous food but we just cook that at special moments like holidays or something like that.
Answers to Kiki: I would say that people in Slovenia travel a lot. I mean I am ;) If we don't travel far we go to neighbour countries like Italy, Croatia, Hungary and Austria. My favorite country is Spain because I really liked island Mallorca.
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